who i am
WRapt's ownership
My name is Hannelie Bekker; I own Wrapt Knitwear.
I am a classic corporate refugee: after 30 often happy years in senior broadcast and content management positions, I developed a severe intolerance of boardrooms, corporate politics, having bosses, having subordinates, answering to boards, excel spreadsheets, powerpoint presentations, funding rounds, business buzz words, team building, brainstorming, and a plenitude of related things, both concrete and abstract.
To my own surprise and that of everyone who knows me I found solace in knitting. I'd never exhibited any signs of a "crafty" orientation (in fact, I dislike the very notion), and, until I picked up knitting needles in 2016, hadn't knitted since primary school.
One thing led to another, and Wrapt was born. I am largely self-taught, although a wonderful foundation was laid by Helen Sharp in 10 days at The Knitting School in Seattle.
Who I am
My fascination with knitting and textiles is endless. My work is fibre led: what a given yarn can or can't or wants to do intrigues me, and the idea that I can turn a piece of string into something that usable, beautiful and even lovable feels like a superpower.
I do all of the design, sampling and pattern development for Wrapt - excel still features strongly! - as well as a lot of wild and ongoing exploration.
When a small production run is required, I outsource that to a small group of knitters working from the comfort and convenience of their own homes.
Work for other designers, commissions and fine craft pieces are typically all my doing.